Monday, December 28, 2020

lockSTEP generation "- a take-off on the STEPford generation?

With Doctor Stephen Marmor, ucla -
Most younger (and many others of the 'love generation mentality' we might add) folks today are largely immature, 'spoiled brats,' lacking resiliency who easily  blame others for their own inefficiencies.
May we add the word 'Dems' here, too- those of the lockstep 'opinions' who will as easily debate a subject as they will cut off their left arms. 
 It's mostly a generational thing with those born after 1965 having much less resiliency (around 1 or 2 on scale of 10) as compared to those born before 1965 who are resilient over 6 or 7, according to m
Marmore. 1965  Is an appropriate year to choose transition year should begin statue when the country  Quickly transitioned from a more conservative post war mentality to the liberal 'love generation' thinking. And it would never return to its 'golden era' postwar principles.  So blame much of this , if you want, on my own baby Boomer parents who may have been born with the pre-1965 values bit 'dropped  out' to the love generation , and in most cases never went back.  Its not to  say it's all the baby boomers doing by any means but 1965 was the line of demarcation after the JFK assassination and when the Johnson legislation opened things up to a  liberalized society and started regarding people by race and colour  rather than color-blind efficiency and, as JFK would say 'what we could do for our country, not what t our country could do for us. We've since turned JFK S WORDS upside down To where we are today with a prospective President  choosing his Cabinet almost soley on  the basis of skin colour or race or gender preference.  Post- 1965 parenting failed to instill a sense of 'Pick-yourself-up-by-the bootstraps' mentality  that we saw in the post-war era. Parents, if they weren't already, became squishy, lenient,  "love generation" parents  Who tried to be more like friends to their kids than parents,  letting them do things that they themselves would do, be it smoking marihuana , engaging in  Multiple sex partners,e t c. 
 Shall we call this new generation of people the "lockSTEP generation "- a take-off on the STEPford generation? And so it goes... perhaps a oversimplified but still accurate explanation of how we came to today.

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